Expand Your reach
with Private LTE

Hit the "easy" button and STEPcg will take it from there. From design, deploy, and manage PLTE

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Our Commitment to Excellence

Your students are the future - why not give them the tools to live up to their potential? Whether you need audio-visual solutions to create engaging classes or software that makes organizing and grading student work a breeze, STEP CG is invested in making your school - and the young minds that attend it - a success.



Pop quiz - is your IT fulfilling all your needs? Slow connection speeds, frequent downtime and ballooning technology costs are just a few signs that indicate it isn’t. If you're trying to operate on a tight budget while helping students, faculty and administrators work together to succeed, STEP CG wants to be your partner. Our flat-fee solutions manage operating costs and maximize your uptime, so you're never wasting an opportunity to learn because of aging or dysfunctional IT. From projectors to workstations to mobile devices, we keep every piece of your tech working efficiently to help you achieve your mission -which is shaping the future.


Affordable Pricing

Don't spend money on licenses or capabilities you don't need. Our simplified pricing ensures you only pay for what you use. And we can easily grow (or scale back) your plan based on your organization's unique requirements.

Single Point of Contact

Do you have to dig through old e-mails and phone contacts to find the right person to answer your questions? There is a simpler way - call us. We'll become your single point of contact, communicating with all your vendors on your behalf.

Business Continuity

Whether you experience a natural disaster, power failure or human error, having your data stored in the cloud ensures it's backed up, protected and easily accessible. You'll be able to conduct business as usual to minimize downtime and lost productivity.

Improved Mobility

With cloud, your team can access data and applications no matter where they are in the world via smartphones, tablets and computers. Everyone can stay connected and easily share information in real time, enhancing the collaboration process.

Strict User Access

Keep unwanted eyes away from business and client data. STEP CG ensures private data remains private by limiting user access to ensure illicit hands and eyes don't access, damage or delete any confidential data.

Expert Guidance

Our technicians see to it that your IT systems and network deliver optimal performance. That's why we take the time to learn your goals, challenges and budget, then work to create an IT strategy together that meets your objectives.

We do more for K-12 Education.


Jefferson County Public Schools Learning Environment Supercharged with Wireless Upgrade

Kentucky K-12 school district leverages E-rate program to expand connectivity and deploy virtual learning to over 100k students during COVID-19 pandemic.

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Students from Duval County Public Schools Keep Up with the Pace of Technology Thanks to Robust Connectivity from Cradlepoint

Florida K-12 school district leverages STEP CG and Cradlepoint's NetCloud Service for Branch to ensure connectivity, replacing decade-old legacy network with modern network infrastructure.

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Solving the Digital Divide in Collinsville, Illinois

Illinois K-12 school district leverages STEP CG to deploy Private LTE Network, delivering on commitment to close the digital devide. Providing over 500 students in the community with secure high-speed internet.

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We Partner with Only the Best

STEP CG partners with innovative, market-leading vendors that
help us deliver real business outcomes for our customers.

Ready to get started?